Server History
Last 30 days
Server Time streamed
Prodigy RP (GTA) 1hr 3mins
All Time
Server First Online Last Online Time streamed
Music & Mayhem (GTA) 4 Sep 2022 11 Jul 2024 40hrs 25mins
New District RP (GTA) 19 Dec 2022 24 Feb 2024 17hrs 14mins
Prodigy RP (GTA) 6 Sep 2024 6 Sep 2024 1hr 3mins
New Sauce City (GTA) 10 Oct 2023 10 Oct 2023 59mins
Last 10 Tracked Streams
Prodigy RP (GTA)
6 Sep test stream - triple og Chapo - ProdigyRP
6 Sep test stream - triple og Chapo - ProdigyRP
Music & Mayhem (GTA)
11 Jul Gods gift to roleplay (yes) - mnmrp
3 Jul gods gift to roleplay - MnM rp - Ryan Kelrys
2 Jul gods gift to roleplay - MnM rp - Ryan Kelrys
21 Mar TOTALED CAR THURSDAY - El Chapo - MnM - Music and Mayhem
20 Mar El chapo - MnM - Music n Mayhem
19 Mar El chapo - MnM - Music n Mayhem
3 Mar El Chapo - MnM - Music n Mayhem
Music & Mayhem (GTA)
1 Mar SPINNING ON EM el chapo - Crips MnM - Music n Mayhem
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